The Busy Dad's Playbook: Faith, Fatherhood, and Pickleball

Faith, Fatherhood, and Pickleball

Hey there! It's been a minute since the last newsletter, so let's catch up!

First off, big shoutout to all the new subscribers—thank you for joining us on this journey! We’ve got some cool things to share.

Faith, Fatherhood, and Pickleball

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind, but in the best way. My daughter hit a major milestone—she just started kindergarten! It's such an exciting new chapter, and I couldn’t be prouder. Plus, we’re getting ready for her to start a soccer league next month. Watching her gear up for this is just the best.

On the work front, I’ve been on the road a lot with my pharmaceutical compounding job. Balancing dad duties, work, and creating pickleball content has kept me on my toes, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. Life is busy, but it’s full of good things.

Pickleball Tip of the Week

In recent lessons, I’ve noticed a few common mistakes when playing singles. For those wide shots, instead of turning and running, try using the crossover step to get there faster. And when you’ve got a ball coming up the middle and you want to hit a forehand inside out, take a drop step back to create space, then step in and rip it. It’s all about those little adjustments!

Also, we’re gearing up for a pickleball weekend retreat in Austin, TX, this November. If you’re interested in the details, just let me know!

Before We Go

Before we wrap up, I want to share something cool: Learning the Venture is a newsletter that follows the growth of AceBoy Sports Group, a company that does athlete representation, event management, and all things sports business. If you’re into start-ups or just curious about what it’s like to build something from the ground up, you might want to check it out. Here’s the link to subscribe: Learning the Venture.

That’s it for now! Thanks for being part of this community. Can’t wait to share more with you soon!

Until next time, keep the faith, enjoy the journey of fatherhood, and keep swinging that paddle!
