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Sunshine, Pickleball Serve Returns, and Silver Linings: A Week in the Life

The Scoop: Sun, Pickleball Tips, and Soulful Talks

Hey there fam,

This past week flew by!  It was a breath of fresh air not being on the road for work – got to squeeze in some quality pickleball time with friends, which sparked a ton of content ideas. Plus, had a blast soaking up the sun with my aunt who popped in from Ohio for a visit. And let me tell you, seeing my daughter absolutely crush it at her dance recital on Sunday was the cherry on top – she did amazing (photo above)!

Pickleball Tip of the Week: When returning the serve, give yourself some space from the line. This allows you to handle those deep serves like a pro and keeps your momentum moving forward towards the kitchen line.

On the dad front, I can’t believe kindergarten is just around the corner? Excited to soak up even more quality time with my daughter come fall. In the meantime, we're gearing up with workbook activities to prep her for the big day. And we've got some great trips lined up to FL (hello, Disney cruise!) and a visit to family in Ohio to look forward to.

Also, had a heart-to-heart with a friend this week, reminiscing about the tough times we've faced. It hit me – even in the darkest moments, there is always a silver lining. Whether it's revealed immediately or further down the road, the good always shines through.  Romans 8:28 is a great verse to meditate on.

That’s it for now, stay well + shining!


P.S. - Super stoked to announce that I'm now offering virtual pickleball lessons! Hit me up if you or your friends are keen to learn more!